Elements of Community Podcast
Unpacking The Magic of Community
Revolutionary Leadership: Creating Change Through Community
Join me in this episode of Elements of Community as I chat with Maruxa Murphy, a true community-building expert with over 23 years of experience. Maruxa and I share a passion for building meaningful communities, and in this episode, we dive deep into her most exciting community called The Revolutionaries. This community is
Show Notes
Join me in this episode of Elements of Community where I chat with community-building expert Maruxa Murphy about her exciting community, the Revolutionaries. Learn how revolutionary leadership can create change through community and how we can embrace abundance in our lives. Get ready to be inspired by Maruxa’s vision for creating groundswell movements and cultural shifts.
The Revolutionaries is more than just a community – it’s a space for community builders, innovators, and those who want to create revenue and profit through their communities. The community is made up of individuals from various fields such as designers, engineers, sales directors, philanthropists, and other professionals who are looking to shift the conversation and uplevel themselves and each other.
Maruxa, the founder of The Revolutionaries, is excited about the concept of up-leveling and the extraordinary league of community mavens she has brought together. The community was created with a spiritual approach, and Maruxa pays attention to signs and believes that this community was meant for her.
The community is based on a Transformed Community Paradigm, which places a strong emphasis on experiential value and common language, heart, purpose, and value. Having a common language creates a sense of belonging, and common values go beyond money to include love, honor, and respect. The community works when its members are focal point focused, and they feel the absence of others. This means that the community functions as an integrated whole, and each member has a role to play in its success.
Other subjects we covered on the show:
- Discover how Maruxa Murphy, a community-building expert, views the intersection of profit and community, and how they can complement each other to create a thriving organization or community.
- Explore the vital role of measuring community impact in valuing community-building efforts, and why it’s essential to know how your community is doing to achieve its goals and make improvements.
- Learn how building meaningful connections and nurturing relationships within a community can lead to financial profitability, and why a strong community is a significant asset for any business or organization.
- And last but not least, get ready for a fun and unexpected question as Maruxa shares her all-time favorite ice cream flavor. You won’t want to miss it!
AND MORE TOPICS COVERED IN THE FULL INTERVIEW!!! You can check that out and subscribe at https://pbp.li/eoc43.
If you want to know more about Maruxa Murphy, you may reach out to her at:
- Website: https://www.revolutionarycommunities.com
- Instagram: www.instagram.com/MaruxaMurphy
- Facbook: www.facebook.com/MaruxaLive
- LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/MaruxaMurphy
Revolutionaries Insider list for freebies: revolutionarycommunities.com
[00:00:00] Maruxa, thank you so much for showing up here. I’m delighted to share you with my audience. Can you tell us a little bit about why I am so excited to share you with the audience?
That’s an interesting question and I appreciate it. You know, I would say probably you’re delighted and excited to share me with your audience because you and I are massive nerds about community. I absolutely love and we’ll never forget our first conversation sitting by my lake and just you being flexible with me to sit out by the lake.
Cause I needed a lake day and just, we ended up nerding out for, I think it was like 90 minutes or something. It felt like a really long friend, meeting a friend for the first time, but also feeling like I’ve known you forever. And really thinking through the intricacies of why the world is the way it is today and why it is that communities are the balm, the salve, the [00:01:00] medicine for the world in which we’re living today.
Salve. Yeah.
Yeah. Right? Like that to me is community in its purest and most beautiful form is allowing, the allowing of people to be in a deeper connection with one another around something that they’re interested in. Right? And having that consistent connection moving forward. And so I think that’s why you’re delighted because I’ve had about 23 years experience of building communities.
Really inviting brands, companies to really come from full heart first and becoming in some, as one of my clients, Kajabi says, obsessed with their Kajabi heroes, the people that they serve their members of their community. I love creating that level of engagement between leaders and holding that those containers and that space of community and those experiences for the people they’re serving.
And I [00:02:00] know that you and I have such a common love for that part of the experience and the process of building companies.
Yeah, that’s exactly it. Yeah, do you wanna tell us a little bit about some of the communities you’re really excited about today?
Sure, sure. I’d love to. Oh, so I’m working on quite a few communities right now. The one I’m the most excited about is the one that I’m actually finally building for myself, like for my own brand, my own company which you and I are now a part of and expanding in.
And if you’re interested, I could tell you about that one?
The one you should talk about.
Do you think so? Okay, okay, okay. So that, I mean, I’ll be honest, Lucas, like, to me that has been the most fun community I’ve ever built the most for multiple reasons. So I guess we should say what the community is. So the community is called the revolutionaries.
And this community was created [00:03:00] and founded five years ago. In my mind in a meditation as I was really looking at a community, I was actually just, I was exiting. And it was a community that at that time it was an exit because of my core values. And recognizing,
I get that.
Yeah, that it was just who I was wanting to be and how I wanted to hold that container wasn’t going to be appreciated in a way that felt aligned with my values. Right? And so there was a moment about five years ago where I sat with that and said, you know, I can’t change everybody, but what I can do is I would love to imagine a world where those of us who see massive expansion in terms of culture shift.
Massive expansion in terms of like basically being around the same type of people who believe that we actually are change makers. So we actually are history makers in action. And we do that through [00:04:00] creating these groundswell movements, these revolutionary communities. What would it look like if all of us came together from multiple different industries and we started to actually shift the narrative because we were all in the same room from multiple different industries.
Start shifting the narrative of how business is done. Simply because we’re in the same room. And I remember five years ago when that dropped for me. I was like, okay, nice to know you vision, but I have no idea how to do that. And that is not in the Maruxa’s cards.
Like, I’ve got three babies. I’m, what are we? What the heck are you thinking? Right? I mean, three years ago, my oldest was 9, my middle was probably, she’s 10 now, so she was 5, and my youngest was 3. So this vision was not, I did not know how to hold that space with little bitties under my care.
So fast forward, right? And the [00:05:00] pandemic happens, and my intuition at that point said, give everything away for free. I was like, what are you talking about? This is my livelihood, intuition, divine, whatever you wanna call it. How am I supposed to give myself away for free? And I just kept hearing, just give, just give. Just be in that place of give. So I did, I trusted that everything was working in my favor.
And so at that point, there was a three month period where I literally. Because the pandemic closed all of my colleagues or your colleagues, our ability to have live events. And so many of my colleagues built their entire business models around live events. So I just started doing tons of workshops and sessions and just saying, whatever you wanna know, like I’m opening the kimono to how you build communities real deeply and how you begin to do this virtually.
And hopefully we can bring that, what we’re learning here [00:06:00] in the virtual space, bring it back into more of a hybrid experience of some in person, right? We had no idea it was gonna last as long as it did, but at that moment, I just gave it all away. And what showed up were, yeah, I just shared all the things for free.
And so at that point were just like, let’s just trust. So in that trust, what started to show up we’re the right people? As it as it always does, right? So from there I ended up working with a friend Andy Hussong, who had this gorgeous company called Webinar. It still has this gorgeous company called Webinar Confidential or Webinar Con.
Webinar Con was a live event happened the week before the world shut down. And it was one of those sparks that really started like an entire like, a fire, right? It was incredible. People loved it. People that were able to go to that live event, so they didn’t want to lose that momentum. They came to me and they were like, Maruxa, we just acquired this community.
It’s dead. It’s 5,000 people. Is there any way to revive it? And I said, [00:07:00] sure. So anyway, the long and the short or short of it is eight weeks later, we did about one and a half million dollars in revenue. Through a formerly dead Facebook group with 5,000 people. And we grew it, engaged it, and expanded the brand.
And to this day, the brand has been growing very strong. And so that started to, that was just one then multiple. I tripled the company basically, Lucas in 2020 because of me giving, just being fully led by my intuition and the divine. And so from there, I was like, I probably should continue to build out this in a different way.
And the long and the short of it was because of how I really held the company and the way in which I was designing it more and more influential names started to show up in my life and wanted to start doing more work together. And so as it came through on the other end, I started to recognize, you know [00:08:00] this journey of building community is, part of it has been me inviting people that are ready for community into our life.
At the same time, this is a whole new industry that nobody, I mean, I’ve been doing it forever, but not a lot of people really saw the value of community until we were in the middle of a pandemic, which meant everyone wanted to get more innovative. We wanted to get more aligned into what else is possible.
So as I start to over these last three years, I’m starting to like pick things up where things are dropping and seeing like what level of the conversations. You know, I built a metaverse, I grew my first 1 million person community. I’m expanding a $2 billion company with Kajabi, with the way in which we’re designing out their models moving forward.
You know what I’m saying? Like, I didn’t know that this is where the path would take me. And yet at the same time, I’m so freaking grateful because what happened in November of this last year [00:09:00] was that drop again, that reminder again, when I was asked the question, do you wanna build? What’s your next workshop, Maruxa? I literally, my body was like, I don’t wanna build another workshop. I think I’m done. I think I am done with another workshop. And I just couldn’t force myself to do it even, you know? And so I sat with that. I’m like, why? Why am I at this place again in my career and trying to figure out what do I want this next iteration of our company to look like? And again, that vision for the revolutionaries dropped into my mind’s eye again.
So I sat with it and I was like, is this really the time? And everything in my body felt so incredibly resonant that correct. This is exactly the right time. It is exactly the right time for many different reasons. But what I started to recognize was as I started to like developing the revelations around why it was the exact right time, I had to be brave, I had to stand in [00:10:00] my courage and say, go, go and start telling people about it.
And so now I started and this community is the most exciting because it really is designed for those of us who are, the community mavens of the world, the people who have designed experiences. And communities that are really starting to shift conversation.
These are individuals that are ready for the shift in conversation. They’re willing to see something from a different perspective than they’ve ever seen it before. Many of the community minded folks in the room are, have come from models that never created revenue, right? They’ve built beautiful communities, but have no idea how to create revenue, more so profit.
And then on the other side you have a lot of community builders in there who are phenomenal connectors of profit centers to one another, and that’s their genius. And then we have others in there that are like designers and engineers of how do you create [00:11:00] an engineer community effectively. So can you imagine it feels like the Avengers, right?
Like we’re calling in this extraordinary league of community mavens of innovators of those who zig when everyone’s zagging. Like it is a wild house, if you will. In a good way, in a good way.
And because there’s such love and respect. And such level of care and honor for each one of us in the room. It has become the space of upleveling each and every one of us consistently and finding ways to do that. So it’s my favorite community right now because I’m starting to see that all of this, like the history up till this point has led to here, and the people that are showing up for the conversation are ready.
And these are people that are, have had, like I said, you know, some amazing success in their career. You know, being the sales director for Deepak Chopra having done over, you know, like in, I [00:12:00] think almost a hundred million with Deepak and other Transformationist, right? You have. Another member who’s helped create and generate over 90 million for her nonprofits and philanthropies, and then one of the co-founders of Savage Fenty and Fabletics and Hot Works is in the room.
You know what I mean? And Lucas, you’re in the room and everything you’ve accomplished, you know what I’m saying? And that’s just four out of the 25. So it’s a beautiful community and for me to be able to hold that container to be a participant. And the hostess is a gift. And I’m gaining so much value personally from the learnings already, those community is giving me back.
So that is exciting and it’s a long story of it, but it’s short of it. And that’s why it exists to this day and I look forward to seeing what else is gonna happen in its next iterations. Yeah.
Wow. I have long since lost this, the who it is that actually said this, but I maintained that. I think it was Tom Bilyeu [00:13:00] who said “The things that you bring into the world are the things that you can’t forget and you can’t give away”.
Yeah, yeah. That’s a good one. Yep.
And it seems like the revolutionaries is something you probably tried to do both to. You probably tried to forget, you probably tried to give it away and you couldn’t.
It was meant for me. You know, I’m a very spiritual person and I pay attention to signs and what shows up and how it shows up. And in that, you know, one of the most, one of my favorite characters in the Bible, I grew up in a Christian home. One of my favorite characters was the Esther in the Bible.
And at certain very poignant points in my life. The story of Esther, who was, you know, a slave who ends up living as a slave with her family in slavery and ends up becoming the queen of the land. And in that, her uncle, actually, as she was about to be[00:14:00] engaged or was open to being married to the king, her uncle says, you are made for such a time as this.
And I tell you, I learned that story when I was a young girl, and over these years in these very, very crucial moments of my life, somehow or another, that story keeps popping through. And I think all of us have that, right? We’re all made for such a time as this right now. We’re on this planet for such a time as this, and when things pop through for each of us.
We’re having this conversation.
This conversation, right? We’re made for such a time as this. When we’re inviting our own selves to meet the version of ourselves that is made for such a time as this, that’s where the magic happens, right? So what I mean by that is oftentimes as leaders, we don’t feel ready. We don’t feel, we feel inept and, but and I don’t, I use the word [00:15:00] but it’s very rare.
Yeah, it’s very intentional. But when we find ourselves in a beautiful opportunity where we can meet the elevated version of ourselves, our higher and best self in a conversation. And not just conversation, but conversation within ourselves, but then show up as that person in the world, that’s when you’re able to really, fully align into your such a time as this. You know, that’s true powerful leadership.
And I realized these last three years in the pandemic for me, has been an a reclamation of that for me. It’s been, and the opportunity to embrace my own leadership and those visions are here for a reason, right?
So I recognize that, that’s where it is. And it’s freaking scary many days. And at the same time, it is the best and wildest adventure I’ve ever lived, and I’m grateful for that.[00:16:00]
Oh wow. Accept the gifts and live your best life.
There you go. Yes.
And sometimes, it’s that simple.
That’s right, that’s right. Yes.
Very cool. I love it. And I love being a part of this with you.
I love that you’re a part of it. It’s so wonderful. Your insights are so phenomenal. Every time you open your mouth for those who are, you know, with us here, I love Lucas’s Energy because he’ll sit back and you’ll observe all of it.
And then when you open your mouth, it is because you’re in the observing. I know that when you open your mouth and when you share, it’s gonna be gold. So I so appreciate that about you. How intentional you are when you speak.
There are a lot of words in the world, I get to have mine be intentional.
I love that.
Yeah. How do you, so you’re familiar with the Elements of Community. We talked about them [00:17:00] before I joined your community and obviously you have 23 years experience playing around with them. Maybe not in that framework, but community is community. I extracted the framework, I didn’t invent it.
How do you make sure that the revolutionaries and the other communities that you are building are utilizing those elements? Which ones are showing up powerfully for you to use? The words of my good friend Maruxa, which ones are sparking for you?
I love that. You know, it’s interesting. When I was reviewing, so you and I had talked about it before we recorded like how fun it is to be in this conversation with a peer, right? Because oftentimes I’m the one coming into a conversation like this is how to build community.
So it is really fun to have learned your framework. And to see the similarities of our frameworks and then also some of the, not differences, but just some of the intricacies in [00:18:00] how we talk about them differently. It’s like looking at the same elephant and we just as we’re describing it in different ways. Right?
And so when I was experiencing your elements and learning about them, I was like, oh, this one fits here in this part of my process. Oh, this one fits here in this part. Right? So for me, sparking for sure is the recognition that your experience is very aligned in to how I build community as well. Right? The model I use is called the Transformed Community Paradigm. And it looks a little bit different. But the truth is, you know, it’s in so many ways similar the thing in terms of the actual elements.
I think the ones that have sparked the most for me that I was really excited about hearing is one, common language. I think oftentimes in business we come into building community as if we’re building a group, right? You talked about the difference between [00:19:00] community and group. So we come in building a group because that’s what businesses do, right?
We work, if you look at how businesses are run, we’re often run on a project management system and things are projects, they’re not relationships. So when you started to think through or when you were introducing the idea of common language to me, it’s helping the members of the community, create members of the community and also the visionaries of the community start to put dimension to the way in which we are actually going from a group to people interacting with one another and how we identify.
Right? In my world, I call it experiential value. It’s part of what I call experiential value and the idea of creating a space where we have common identity and common sense of identity in partnership with belonging, the energy of belonging.
And so when we have a [00:20:00] common language together, it allows for us to immediately feel like we’re family, we’re the family we’ve chosen to be in community with. Right? So that was really sparking for me. And I think the other element that felt really delicious, obviously common heart. Yes. Right? Is the reason why are we here and common purpose. I love that. But the piece that I thought was really unique and you and I talked a little bit about this was the common, you used to call it common profit now really more under the common value conversation.
To me that is so interesting, right? Because I think that oftentimes, and I see this so many times with communities, is that people forget that value and or the term I love actually love the word profit. But the word value. Yeah. Is just it’s so more than money, it’s more than money.
Money is a way in which value can be received and supported,[00:21:00] and given, right? But it is a factor of, so when communities come to me and they hear, Hey, you know I would love to work with you by make no money in my community. I’m like, well, let’s actually dive into what is the value of your community in multiple different frameworks.
So hearing it from that perspective, and I actually really love the word profit because it’s helping those of us who have created communities that have made $0 or very few dollars to realize that the profit is way more than just the financial experience of that it is the value that is given what kind of love and level of respect and honor has been given into us as community members. What do we gain from that? That it couldn’t have happened outside of this container.
It’s that essence of love, that essence of honor and really holding each other with reverence or dignity. So it’s, that’s so important, right? You can’t [00:22:00] actually have community that is profitable financially, actually without having those other components built in.
And so that really sparked for me as you started talking it through. I’m like, dang, this is good. Like, we need more of that right now. Yeah.
I love it. Yeah. Another piece that I think people miss is everybody is focal point focused.
Focal point focused. So we think of the sharing of value from the hub and spoke model where value comes to a central point and then gets shared out of the central point. But that’s not actually how community works. It may be how a pay single source of profit works, but it’s not how community works. So when we get together in the revolutionaries, it’ll be true community. When somebody else other than you notices that I’m not there and says, wait, where’s Lucas?
That’s right. That’s exact. And by the way, that’s happened. So just FYI on that.[00:23:00]
But that’s true. You’re absolutely right. Right? We are greater because we are together and when a member is missing, you feel it, it’s just like in the body. When you have, if you have a major body part malfunction or you have a major, you know cut on your leg, you feel that cut it is present, that is missing.
And when I build community, I think of it is what is our, we are one being what does it look like to be one being all in action together. Working and functioning as an integrated experience, as a whole experience. And so we are really thinking, we need to be thinking from that perspective when we build community.
And what I love about that is that it reminds me every day that it’s not about the numbers, it is about the heartbeat in the room. It is about the heartbeats in the room, right? It is every part [00:24:00] doing its part. To be this organism this being together from that creates wealth and health.
The health of the group is everything. Right? And the wealth, meaning W-E-L-L-T-H and e W-E-A-L-T-H gets to show up because it is one moving being and body.
I love that. I really like the idea of adding a TH to Well.
I have to say one of my dearest financial mentors, Christina Wise taught me that her company’s called Wealthy, Wealthy, W-E-L-L, and then, you know, W-E-A-L. And it’s always stuck with me ever since then, she’s just, you know, just having that like reminder that there’s that both end that needs to be in the same conversation.
I agree because money is worthless without health.
[00:25:00] Exactly, exactly. Yeah.
Yeah, they either work together or they don’t work.
Or they don’t work. That’s it, that’s it. You’re right.
Wow fun that this deep dive into profit, it’s a conversation. I think people need to have more.
Yeah, I agree.
Profit and value.
Oh yeah. You know, it’s one that gets people stuck a lot. I find that when we are building, for those of us who have been community building before we realize there’s profitability, it is a hard construct to recognize oftentimes because I’ve heard from many of my colleagues, well, if I’m focused on profitability, well then I’m not focused on the actual true essence of the community.
I feel like I’m [00:26:00] bastardizing the community or I’m taking from the community. And what I found is in some cases, yeah, I get that. But also, I get that, right? Like, if I’m creating like a, I don’t know, a coffee gathering in my local coffee shop every Monday morning, you know, to get us started.
Is that necessary to make it a profitable endeavor? No. Maybe my profit and to your point, my profit is the relationships I’m building with those incredible beings, right? So,
And the conversations that you’re having.
That’s it. So it’s like recognizing in how do we be more intentional with what the profit looks like, right?
And then in addition to that, if we are building a company, and company is here to make revenue, and we know that creating deeper connections with one another is something that we value as a company. And we know that we’ll serve our people better from a place of true desire for transformation [00:27:00] in whatever way in which we’re serving them, then is it bad to bring in like financial profitability?
No, because it can play together well. It can. And when we come from a place and we come from our heart space, when we come from a place of full service, what shows up from that? Is we are allowing ourselves to receive back from the community as well. And I’m talking to visionaries right now, right?
I think a lot of times as visionaries who have this heart for community, get really stuck and tangled in that because who are we to receive? We’re often the ones who’ve been giving, giving, giving our whole lives, right? And so it makes sense that we wanna hold space for community. So I wanna invite the, for those who might be listening, watching right now, like that is something that to me is a critical piece, is what can we do to support you to [00:28:00] receive, because your community also wants to receive as you continue to give and give and give into the space and value is okay. It’s okay to be able to be held financially.
It’s not just, okay, it’s necessary.
Oh, of course. Yeah, you’re right. It is absolutely necessary. It’s part how the world works today. Yeah.
I mean, if we think about it from the other perspective, your community wants you to be able to continue serving.
That’s right.
They’re not there by accident and they didn’t stick around for no reason at all. They stuck around because the service you’re providing them is of value. It’s bringing profit into their life that they consider to be valuable, and they want you to keep doing it.
And you can’t keep doing it if it’s not profitable for you as well.
That’s correct. That’s absolutely correct. That’s right. So, and I think that’s what I’m finding is the biggest sticking point for most community leaders and builders [00:29:00] is can we embrace receiving that. Right? So that we can lead more full lives. Doesn’t mean you have to buy that mansion or whatever car you want.
I don’t even know cars very well, but you know what I mean? Like, it’s not about that. If that’s the reason you think you’re, you know, you shouldn’t receive money, is because you’re gonna be looked upon like that, like. You get to use your money however you wish, you wanna use your money, you know, so point being is like just giving yourself that permission to just keep receiving, you know?
I think it’s just a critical piece of the process.
Yeah. Thank you.
Thank you for diving into that and thank you for letting people hear us talk about that.
Of course. My pleasure. It’s uncomfortable many times, but worth it.
Yeah. It’s uncomfortable for community members too, who don’t think about the good feelings that they’re receiving for showing up as profit, but it is, and they don’t think [00:30:00] about you know, the hugs or the conversations or the connections that they’re having inside that space. That was possible because of that space as profit, but it is.
That’s true, that’s true. Yeah. I’ve been building out this process called the return on impact and return on impact is really, well, there’s actually what I call the new ROI. It’s return on impact and then return on community. And it measures multiple different things and we’re playing right now.
That’s kind of what I’m doing in my laboratory, if you will, is playing around those concepts as a way to really start to measure, like numerically measure how those hugs impact the space. How those deep conversations in the corner of the ballroom if you’re in a live event right has impacted the experience of the community and then also of the individual going out into the world. Right?
Right now [00:31:00] there’s not very many ways to really measure community well, as one of my dear friends, Paul Choi, who’s the senior director of community for Kajabi, he says, you know, community is a squishy word and this is a man who’s run community for Apple.
You know, now Kajabi and multiple different other, you know, companies. And he also with the rest of us community, crazy people are like, how do we get our minds and our hearts wrapped around telling the story about the power of community, right? So I’ve taken that on as my laboratory, you know, my own experimentation at this point of like, what does that look like?
And what I’m starting to recognize is if we can start measuring. And right now it’s really a measurement more so of you know, self-reflection, but measuring on a scale like whatever, like one, let’s say 1-10 scale where are we at the beginning based on what outcomes we’re wanting.
And we have these, like, these measurement to these in essence, these assessments going [00:32:00] out in a very timeline approach, like in a sequential approach. So it’s certain. Impact points to have them remember what just showed up for them. How is this impacting your ultimate goals moving forward and then, you know, doing that throughout the process of the growth, what we’re able to start seeing is more of a self-reporting mechanism for seeing their own level of success within the community.
And so it’s been pretty exciting to start working that model in these larger companies and seeing what kinds of results they’re getting so that we can all learn that and then we can all potentially implement that in our own companies and our own models as well.
So, I’m ready. Next time if you want me to be on again, we can dive into that nerdiness and what those results are looking like versus having that in the past, you know?
Yeah. Awesome. That’s exciting. Wow.
Thank you.
Yeah, thank you. I don’t want [00:33:00] community to be a squishy word. You know, when politicians stand up in front of the TV and talk about, you know, blah, blah, blah, the community, I get a twitch in my eye like that. No, that’s not, that’s not it.
That’s right.
I don’t want it to be a squishy word. I want, when everybody says the word community, I want them to mean what you, and I mean when we say it.
Right, exactly. And can you imagine, I mean, that’s the whole point of the revolutionaries, right? Like. We, me, you have amazing clients as well that you’re serving and you’re building, you’re deepening these relationships with, as do the other members of the community. We all start to really start to ground into these models that are like bringing more life and light into the world.
We’re gonna be quickening the timeline to make this more of a reality, right? Simply because we exist together and we’re choosing to spend our time together and grow. Right? And so that’s so exciting. So exciting [00:34:00] that we’ll start to see these massive shifts in a global scale as we continue to build upon our conversations that we’ve already been having within the community.
And that’s fine.
Yes, that’s it.
I like to wrap up my podcast with three questions. The first is, I can’t imagine anyone not being inspired by you. So where do they go find you?
Oh, thank you. RevolutionaryCommunities.com. Super simple. When they go there, they’re gonna be invited into the community, what I call the Revolutionary Insiders Club. Revolutionary Insiders Club is a newsletter that is going out weekly for everybody that’s subscribed to it, and it goes out in an email.
It’s a digest of my thoughts basically. And then what I’m seeing in the revolutionaries from our members and the revolutionaries and what’s sparking for them. So if you’re interested in jumping in and really getting nerdy with us with [00:35:00] Lucas and myself and other members of the community, that’s a really lovely place to go.
If you wanna have like more conversation with me, I think LinkedIn is a great place for that. And so definitely friend me. Let me know who you are and that you found me here through Lucas and we can definitely have more conversation. I can send you my calendar if something feels aligned for you and based on what we were talking about.
And we can have a conversation moving into that next phase.
Second question is my big curve ball. Is there any question that you wish I had asked you but I have not?
My mind went to something super random and silly. Like, what is your favorite ice cream? Yeah. I mean, that’s what showed up for me. So there you go. My favorite ice cream.
What do you mean about silly, huh?
Super random and so maybe I’m like creating ice cream at whatever, 10 in the morning my time. But so thank you for asking. Thank you for asking.
Mine [00:36:00] is chocolate chip cookie dough.
No kidding.
Huh? I am a coffee man all the way. I drink coffee in the morning. I would eat coffee ice cream at night. I would coffee glaze my steak every day if it was easy.
Wow. I had no idea. That’s super interesting. I love that I asked that question that I wish you had asked me. I didn’t know that about you.
Yep. So cool. Thank you Maruxa. Thank you for showing up and for being amazing.
Oh, thank you as well. I really appreciate who you are. Thank you, Lucas.
Do you have any parting thoughts?
I would say. You know, the biggest thing to be aware of in the world that we’re living in today is to be ready for such a time as this. This is the gift. As visionaries, as leaders, as people who are building beautiful things for the world and with the world give yourself permission to lean into the higher [00:37:00] version of yourself to all of who you are.
Don’t lean from an energy of fear, but from an energy of love. And from that, that can take you so far and create some revolutionary experiences in your own life, and maybe that’s part of that is building a community. We’ll see.
You were made for such a time as this.
That’s right.
Thanks for joining us this week on Elements of Community.
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Lucas Root
Lucas is the host of Elements of Community. He is a community growth strategist and works with mega companies like The Pokemon Company to help build and foster community. This podcast is Lucas' way of giving back what he has learned about the magic of building and growing community.
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