Elements of Community Podcast

Unpacking The Magic of Community

Effectively Building a Common Language in a Community

Listen to Elements of Community as Lucas Root and Carla Howard talk about how she effectively built a common language in her community.

What are the other ways that you create and drive engagement within your community and deepen the actual community that is there because of it?

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Elevating Authority Into Leadership

Join Lucas and community expert guest, Mark Bustillos, as they talk about elevating authority into leadership and explore the aspects that make communities effective and flourishing.

Elements of Community host, Lucas Root, has developed a framework for the elements that are required for a “group” to become a “community” — Common Language, Project, Value, Purpose, and Heart. Today, Lucas and Mark share their understanding of these elements.

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Why Small Communities is a Fun Place To Be

Join Lucas and community expert guest, Nedra Barr, as they talk about making an impact on small communities and explore the aspects that make communities effective and flourishing!

Elements of Community host, Lucas Root, has developed a framework for the elements that are required for a “group” to become a “community” — Common Language, Project, Value, Purpose, and Heart. Today, Lucas and Nedra share their understanding of these elements.

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Professional Admins Looking For a Community

Listen to Elements of Community today as Lucas Root and Amanda Hamilton talk about how she was able to build a community for professional admins and the approaches they do to learning from one another.

How does an online community create a common language? And what makes a community effective?

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Transforming The Impossible to Possible

Join Lucas and community expert guest, Brad A. Milford, as they talk about making the impossible possible through the use of formulas and characteristics that are essential for the community and explore the aspects that make communities effective and flourishing!

Lucas Root, has developed a framework for the elements that are required for a “group” to become a “community” — Common Language, Project, Value, Purpose, and Heart. Today, Lucas and Brad share their understanding of these elements.

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Amazing Things to Talked About Peter, Mitchell & Isis Episode

Elements of Community host, Lucas Root, has developed a framework for the elements that are required for a “group” to become a “community” — Common Language, Project, Value, Purpose, and Heart.

In today’s episode, Lucas will talk about the amazing things that were discussed in the episodes with Peter Laughter, Mitchell Levy, and Isis Indriya.

Listen as Lucas takes about 15 minutes to review the most poignant moments from the episodes with Peter, Mitchell, and Isis.

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Studying & Bringing Ancient Teachings Until Modern Day

Listen to Elements of Community today as your host, Lucas Root, and guest, Isis Indriya, talks about bringing ancient teachings to the modern day through the oracle crystal ball. Find out how “common heart” plays a role in the community and how it strengthens the community?

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Humans That Want to be Seen as Credible

Elements of Community host, Lucas Root, has developed a framework for the elements that are required for a “group” to become a “community” — Common Language, Project, Value, Purpose, and Heart. Today, Lucas and his special guest share their understanding of these elements.

Join Lucas and community expert guest, Mitchell Levy, as they talk about growing your credibility with the “right” people on a similar journey and explore the aspects that make communities effective and flourishing!

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Strengthening Communities for True Collaborations

Join Lucas and community expert guest, Peter Laughter, as they talk about strengthening communities as a way to experience true collaborations and explore the aspects that make communities effective and flourishing!

Elements of Community host, Lucas Root, has developed a framework for the elements that are required for a “group” to become a “community” — Common Language, Project, Value, Purpose, and Heart. Today, Lucas and his special guest share their understanding of these elements.

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A Deep Dive From Our First Three Guests About What Community Means

Elements of Community host, Lucas Root, has developed a framework for the elements that are required for a “group” to become a “community” — Common Language, Project, Value, Purpose, and Heart.

Today, Lucas will discuss the highlights from the first three episodes with Liana Ling, Zach Hammer, and Giuseppe Grammatico.

Listen as Lucas takes about 20 minutes to review the most poignant moments from the first three episodes with Liana, Zach, and Giuseppe.

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Like what you hear on the podcast? We have more secret recordings from every guest. We keep the microphone rolling after the podcast is done and get our guest to spill the beans on the best tactics for growing their communities profitably. You don't wanna miss this.