Elements of Community Podcast

Unpacking The Magic of Community

Beyond Isolation: Healing Through Community as a Whole

Unlock the transformational power of authentic community on Elements of Community! Antoniette Roze shares how the communities we participate in and create can either imprison us in isolation or restore wholeness and balance. After experiencing alternative therapies that cured her terminal cancer as a child, she now empowers others through community. Antoniette discusses how

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Show Notes

Antoniette Roze shares powerful insights on community and healing on Elements of Community. After experiencing alternative therapies that cured her terminal cancer as a child, Antoniette shifted her focus to empowering others through community. She argues that a “whole body” approach is needed in healthcare to correct imbalances, and that community plays a role in helping bodies and cells avoid “insane” behaviors that come from isolation.

Antoniette discusses how she leads her small but elite community of speakers by giving them freedom within a framework. She emphasizes the importance of focusing on one’s vision and polarizing through purpose to make an impact. Antoniette encourages “living in and contributing to” community to unlock its power to reflect our humanity back to us and restore wholeness.

In powerful moments, Antoniette describes how communities can either imprison us in isolation or reverse it by seeing and serving each member fully. She encourages listeners to consider how they can contribute their own uniqueness to building communities that heal through connection and shared purpose beyond isolation.

Other subjects we covered on the show

  • Antoniette’s holistic vision of health and wellbeing focused on “whole body” approaches and correcting imbalances.
  • How she leads her community of speakers by giving them freedom within a framework and focusing on their visions.
  • The importance of polarity and focusing on one’s vision in order to make an impact and serve one’s purpose.
  • The transformative power of truly participating in and contributing to an authentic community.
  • How communities can either reflect our humanity back to us or keep us isolated based on how we see and serve each other.

AND MORE TOPICS COVERED IN THE FULL INTERVIEW!!! You can check that out and subscribe at https://pbp.li/eoc49.

If you want to know more about Antoniette Roze, you may reach out to her at:

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Like what you hear on the podcast? We have more secret recordings from every guest. We keep the microphone rolling after the podcast is done and get our guest to spill the beans on the best tactics for growing their communities profitably. You don't wanna miss this.

Lucas Root Holing Microphone While Speaking

Lucas Root

Lucas is the host of Elements of Community. He is a community growth strategist and works with mega companies like The Pokemon Company to help build and foster community. This podcast is Lucas' way of giving back what he has learned about the magic of building and growing community.

Join Our Inner Circle

Like what you hear on the podcast? We have more secret recordings from every guest. We keep the microphone rolling after the podcast is done and get our guest to spill the beans on the best tactics for growing their communities profitably. You don't wanna miss this.