The Richness of Life is People, Not Wealth

Penny Power is an entrepreneur and community builder who has been working in the tech sector since 1983. She believes that technology has disconnected us from our human needs, leading to increased loneliness and mental health issues. For this reason, she has dedicated her life to community building and authoring books on the subject – including Business is Personal – which was published in 1998.

In this episode of Elements of Community Podcast, I interview Penny Power about community building and social media. Penny believes that the term “community” is often misused to describe groups that aren’t actually communities; community building takes servant leadership and it can be difficult for companies to create a real community if they are only doing it for their own gain. Penny believes that it’s everyone’s responsibility to make other people feel seen, noticed, and connected in order to build a successful community.

Penny’s own community project – Business Is Personal 100 – works on creating meaningful connections between members of the community. The project encourages members to take initiative by setting goals for each other as well as offering support through monthly 90-minute drop-in Masterminds. This type of community growth allows individuals within the group to rise together, rather than focusing solely on one person’s success at the expense of others.

Penny recognizes that not all businesses succeed when it comes to community building, but she emphasizes the importance of social capital over financial capital in order for businesses to thrive; connecting with real people is key! Above all else, Penny advises people that despite any adversity that may come their way, taking control of your life and focusing on what matters most will bring you happiness in the end.

Listeners interested in learning more about community building should tune into this episode of Elements Of Community Podcast featuring Penny Power: an entrepreneur who believes that business should be personal! Learn how Penny has found success through adversity when facing extreme challenges, as well as her tips for connecting with real people while developing long-lasting relationships and fostering growth within a community.

Other subjects we covered on the show:

  • How she and her husband built the world’s first social network.
  • How they went from being multi-millionaires to having to start over.
  • What servant leadership really is and how it helps build community and social capital.
  • How it’s society’s responsibility to make every member feel connected and noticed.
  • And much more.

If you want to know more about Penny Power, you may reach out to her at:


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