The Incredible Soul Nutrients of Community, Love & Connection
Welcome to Elements of Community!
I am your host, Lucas Root, and in this episode, we are going to talk about the soul nutrients of community. Joining me in this episode is Jessica Encell Coleman. Jessica is a love activist, empowerment educator, gratitude alchemist, and the founder and creator of The Magic of Human Connection – a workshop she has facilitated for thousands of people and a movement to create (way) more love inside ourselves, with each other, and on this planet.
Here’s just a taste of our talking points this week:
The Gratitude Adventure
The gratitude adventure was born out of Jessica’s favorite practices in the world. Every day for the past 10 years, she would start her day by going for a gratitude walk and do that anywhere between 30 minutes to 90 minutes.
Out of this practice, Jessica created a program in which they would meet weekly. After the program, half of the group says they don’t want to stop. So she created a dive-in program where every day, they do all the practices and built upon each other.
First, Second, Third, & Fourth Enjoyments
The 4 enjoyments are the common language of the community. It is inspired by a quote from the Dai Lama saying, “I want to live a really beautiful life so that when I’m older, I can look back and live it twice”.
The first enjoyment is looking forward to something before it’s even happened. The second enjoyment is being in the moment—being responsive and creative at the moment. The third enjoyment is reflecting on the benefits of what we enjoyed, and created. And then, the fourth enjoyment enjoying things that you never experienced, it’s that aspect of conversion, like celebrating someone else’s enjoyments.
Other subjects we covered on the show:
- What are soul nutrients?
- Jessica describes what makes an effective community leader.
- Supporting and creating the structure of winning for all.
- As many subjects as needed for the FREE episode, be very thorough.
- The art of cheating for our benefit.
If you want to know more about Jessica, you may reach out to her at:
- Website:
[00:00:00] Welcome to Elements of Community podcast about discovering and exploring the Elements of Community. I am Lucas Root, and each week we talk with a community leader about what makes their community thrive and bring value to both the leaders and the members join me as we unpack the magic of the Elements of Community.
[00:00:34] All right. So welcome back. I am so excited to introduce to you all Jessica Encell Coleman. Jessica, would you like to tell us a little bit about yourself?
[00:00:44] Oh, my goodness. Yes. Well, first of all, hello to everyone who's here and everyone who's listening. And if you're listening to this podcast, my intention is that through the conversation that Lucas and I have, that it is totally inspiring, totally uplifting, and totally empowering for you.
[00:01:01] So that's my intention with whatever we share in the recording that we're about to do. And we're both open ended. We don't know where it's gonna go, but my intention is that everything comes through has that impact for you.
[00:01:12] I love that.
[00:01:14] Yes . Thank you. So my background, or just a little bit about me is my name is Jessica and I'm the creator of an experience called The Magic of Human Connection.
[00:01:27] Personally, it is my favorite thing in the whole world, because it's an experience where I get to guide people into sometimes it's groups that really know each other well, like a YPO chapter or a leadership team or a company off site. But sometimes I work with big groups at conferences and festivals of 500 or 600 or 700 people that have never met before.
[00:01:51] And I get to guide people into treating everyone, like the way that I envision people would treat each other in an ideal world. So it's with tons of love. It's with tons of empowerment. Super uplifting. It's super celebratory. And we basically invite everyone from the first few minutes of the experience to treat each other, like best friends who are just meeting, whether you've met this person, whether you've known them to really just instantly give the permission slip to go to that level of that high love, high celebration way of relating.
[00:02:25] And we get to remove the barrier of time and having to have time be an influencing factor on how connected you feel to someone. And we actually just create the invitation for connection right off the bat. And so that results in some really amazing experiences. And it's my biggest honor, really to get to share that with the world.
[00:02:45] So there's a little bit about me is my context with the magic of human connection. And then within that bigger umbrella. There's all these different sub-projects and ways of bringing that energy of the magic of human connection to people or to teams or even to couples. But that's the high level overview is creating transformational heart opening connection experiences for people.
[00:03:09] So here's what I told my list. After the last time I went to one of these events. And the exact words was I said, imagine the best hug that you've ever had in your entire life, the best one you've ever had. And imagine that lasts somewhere around five seconds long. Now stretch it out to 10 seconds.
[00:03:33] Now stretch it to 30 seconds. This is how I wrote it. Now stretch it to five minutes, now 10 minutes now, stretch it to infinity. And apply that hug to every person that you meet.
[00:03:50] I love that. Oh my goodness. I feel it. And that's such an amazing description. That is so beautiful. I love that. Thank you for sharing that with me. I feel like that's so spot on, like, that is how it feels. It's like moments that you've experienced in your life that feel so good and now like bind them, condense them and expand them.
[00:04:13] And that's it. I love that.
[00:04:15] That's it. So. Do you have a community?
[00:04:24] You said, do I have or you do?
[00:04:26] Do you, I can't imagine a community not springing up around this, but do you have a community?
[00:04:32] So I feel like I have so many different communities in my life that contribute to magic of human connection. And it's actually something that I feel like there's an organic community.
[00:04:44] But I really actually want to build way more of an intentional community around Magic of Human Connection. So the back stories that Magic of Human Connection grew like so much faster than I could have imagined. Like all my five year goals happened, happen in about five months.
[00:05:04] So it was this super accelerated timeline of growth. And because of that, Like certain things were really like accelerated and certain things I'm still actually building and like catching up to. So the community infrastructure is really one of those pieces because I would travel and I would teach and people would say like, how do I stay connected?
[00:05:24] Like, what do I do next? And I'd be like, I'm just traveling to another event. After this, like, I didn't have that structure. And then the pandemic was this amazing kind of moment. I mean, it wasn't amazing in the beginning, but if I zoom out for what it gave me, it gave me this pause to actually start to build more infrastructure for community, which a lot of it is online so that I can stay connected with people all over the world.
[00:05:47] So it's something that I feel like I have so much community in my life, but it's actually an area that I really want to and Magic of Human Connection, fosters community, but like nourishing that community in the way that I want is actually still like catching up to the organic community that the experience creates.
[00:06:06] Very cool.
[00:06:07] Yeah.
[00:06:07] How do you provide an opportunity for some sort of co-location for your community?
[00:06:13] A colocation. I like that. What do you mean by a colocation? That's awesome.
[00:06:18] Well, like virtually a whole bunch of people hop on a Zoom room together and do something together they talk or, they do a virtual happy hour and they drink wine or, maybe they do a magic of human connection Zoom event.
[00:06:33] Yeah.
[00:06:34] Maybe they have a Facebook group. Maybe you have a Facebook group that everybody posts in about how awesome their hug was today with some stranger.
[00:06:44] Right. I know, see, this is exactly the thing that like, it needs to come through and then like that's so on the cusp of coming through in some way.
[00:06:52] So that's actually something that is like, so top of mind for me is exploring that format.
[00:07:00] Nice. How about physical co-location? So a whole bunch of people get together to talk about magical human connection over coffee in downtown LA on Saturday mornings, every Saturday.
[00:07:12] Right. I know. I love that. Like there's seriously, so much possibility, like meetups in different cities and online, and just finding how that ones come through is really exciting.
[00:07:27] What's showing up now?
[00:07:28] Well, I guess the first thing that comes to mind is this, like one of the first gifts of the pandemic for me was this online experience that I created called the gratitude adventure. And that was born out of one of my favorite practices in the world. Every day for the past, about 10 years, I've gone for a gratitude walk and I do it for anywhere between like 30 minutes to 90 minutes. It's how I start my day every day.
[00:07:55] And it's been the most transformational experience to have such a consistent practice, but also to really see what happens when you can build these pathways in your mindset, like over and over again, and really build an internal muscle around gratitude, around celebration and around just tapping into the abundance of life. And so that's something that's woven throughout the magic of human connection in everything. Because that influences me so much, but I never had a way to actually like deliver that to people. I would teach friends about it. And then I would see those friends like two years later and they'd be like, we've gone on gratitude walks every day since you told us about it.
[00:08:36] I was like, oh cool. It's not just me who loves it. So when I created this program, I just did it as like, we would meet weekly. But then half the group after the program ended was like, I don't wanna stop. So we created this deep dive program that was just basically like, I kind of thought of it as like an Iron Man of positive psychology because it was like, Every day, we did all these practices and they all built upon each other and got more engaged and more involved.
[00:09:05] And so that was like...
[00:09:07] That's awesome.
[00:09:08] Oh my gosh, it was easier. And everyone in that program is still like best friends. This is like probably two years ago, but I like still get pictures all the time of different people in different cities who met up with someone in the gratitude adventure.
[00:09:21] And that to me was one of like the best moments of feeling, what I want to get to, but happening all the time, like not on a certain schedule, but just the way cuz there was. This whole chat and everyone had to post in it every day and celebrate other people every day. And it was such like a thriving experience.
[00:09:40] It was also very intensive. So I like wonder how to bridge the juiciness of that with like an everyday sustainable level of engagement. But that is what feels there to come in next is finding a way to bridge what was happening then. But just make it like an ongoing experience.
[00:10:03] That's beautiful.
[00:10:05] Thank you. It really was. It was just amazing. Yeah. I'm gonna do that program again soon and I'm like getting so excited about it cuz it's what I do every day and it's just so much more fun and so much more amplified when I get to share it.
[00:10:19] That's awesome. So it sounds like there was a community sort of built right in that program they had daily projects, right.
[00:10:28] Posting as part of the project. The feeling of gratitude, sort of the homework that they were doing to continue to connect with the purpose. They had daily project. Were they building a language?
[00:10:41] Oh yeah.
[00:10:42] A specific language?
[00:10:44] Yeah, absolutely. So every, yeah, it totally fits into the five community pillars framework.
[00:10:51] Because every week there's a different theme. And within that theme, there's always different concepts. So everyone starts like riffing off of the different pieces. Like one of them is first, second, third, and fourth enjoyments. So it's inspired by this quote from the Dai Lama who said I wanna live a really beautiful life so that when I'm older, I can look back and live it twice and get kind of double the joy of reflecting on what I created the first time around, but then receive it again.
[00:11:22] And so you know what, there's a train that goes by the house. So you might hear it in a second.
[00:11:27] That's okay.
[00:11:29] So first, second, third enjoyments is the first enjoyment is looking forward to something before it's even happen. The second enjoyment is actually being so like for this podcast, first enjoyment is me like being excited like Lucas and I are gonna get to have fun jam on this call.
[00:11:43] Hopefully have fun impact on people that listen to it. So that was the first enjoyment. Second enjoyment is right here in this moment, being with you. Getting to be responsive and creative and in the moment that's the second enjoyment. And third enjoyment is when we get to look back and reflect on it and reflect on what we enjoyed, what we received, the benefit that it created.
[00:12:05] And then fourth enjoyment is like enjoying things that you never experienced, but it's that almost that aspect of conversion, like celebrating someone else's enjoyments.
[00:12:13] Yeah, or when it comes back to you through a pathway that you didn't expect.
[00:12:20] Yeah.
[00:12:21] That's cool.
[00:12:22] So that's just one of so many, but yeah, the chat and the whole community built a common language over the different weeks.
[00:12:31] That's a perfect example, too. Like you walk up to a random person and you say, what was your first enjoyment today?
[00:12:37] Right.
[00:12:38] And they're like, coffee.
[00:12:43] Yeah. Exactly.
[00:12:45] That's awesome. But as soon as you have that community and they're building that language, they get it. You talk about that first, second, third, and fourth enjoyments.
[00:12:53] They're on it. They get it. They're off.
[00:12:54] Exactly.
[00:12:55] That's so cool. Can you bring up some other examples? I love that.
[00:13:00] Yeah. So one of them that you're probably familiar with from Magic of Human Connection is soul nutrients. So I always say that just like our physical bodies need certain key nutrients to thrive and vitamins and different essential things that everyone's body needs.
[00:13:16] There are certain soul nutrients that our soul and our spirit really needs to thrive. And a lot of them are things that you can't actually give yourself. So in personal development, there's this idea of like, you have to give yourself what you need and like fill up your own tank.
[00:13:31] And I think that's so valid, but it's like only half the equation because the other half, there are certain nutrients that we can't actually generate internally and we need to receive from the outside in. And so some of those soul nutrients are play. Some of them are presence. Some of them are loving community.
[00:13:47] Some of them are words of encourage. Some of them are healing touch. Some of them are laughter. Some of them are contributing to other people, contributing is a huge soul nutrient and something that, you know, you need the people around you to be able to contribute, and then you get to receive that nutrient.
[00:14:03] So soul nutrients is another one we talk about microdosing on winning a lot and the gratitude adventure.
[00:14:12] That is awesome.
[00:14:13] Yes. Yes. Because a lot of people wait till there's like a big moment to actually celebrate an accomplishment or the bar is really high for what actually is deemed worthy of like really being celebrated and appreciated.
[00:14:28] But if you wait to only celebrate things that are like this big, then you'll have these big gaps between accomplishments where you're not actually getting to receive that sense of celebration. So in the gratitude adventure, we talk about microdosing on winning, where you try and find like little wins every single day.
[00:14:45] And just being in this like steady experience of receiving all your little win. So that you get that steady stream of celebration, and then you can celebrate more on top when those wins, accumulate and hit a tipping point and you have a bigger win, but yeah, microdosing on winning is a big part of the gratitude adventure.
[00:15:05] That is such a great one. Again, walk up to a random person and say microdosing on winning, and they're gonna be like help me out here.
[00:15:13] Yeah.
[00:15:15] That's so cool.
[00:15:16] Sounds cool, but what is it? Yeah.
[00:15:19] Yeah. And I agree, everyone needs to know, but the way for everyone to know is to create community that shares language.
[00:15:25] Yeah.
[00:15:26] That's so cool.
[00:15:27] Thank you.
[00:15:29] What do you think makes an effective community leader?
[00:15:32] Oh my goodness. Well, I'm so inspired by one of my, like, one of my biggest inspirations is my teacher Maryanne. Before the pandemic, I would study in her program, like 60 hours a month.
[00:15:47] So I was super engaged and for years, and I still do but the time is like a little, I don't know, maybe it's like 30 hours now, but she is just an incredible leader. And so I learned so much from her about leadership and gosh, when I think about leadership, the first thing that comes to mind is probably Maryanne and Burning Man because they both do this aspect of having structure and totally inviting everyone in the structure to be a full participant and a full creator and a full leader.
[00:16:18] So maybe one of the first things I would say makes a great community leader is really seeing everyone else as a leader. Like really, really holding that and not trying to create, I think structure is really important. So I think having designated people that can make decisions or be in charge of certain things works really well.
[00:16:36] But holding in your mind that everyone is a leader and maybe you are just in charge of the structure, but you're not creating a hierarchy among people and just really empowering everyone to be a leader. So, you know, I think what's great about Burning Man, is that when you go there, it's not like, oh, there's artists and presenters and there's participants.
[00:16:59] Like if you went to, you know, a concert or something where there's a few people on stage and everyone else is in the audience, what I think makes a great leader is when you engage everyone to know that they're actually creating the experience and they're contributing to what is coming together to that experience.
[00:17:18] Yeah.
[00:17:20] Gosh, I can talk about this actually for a long time. It's sparking a lot of different ideas. It's a great question.
[00:17:25] I love it. Let's dive into structure for a second, cuz I think that you're gonna have a perspective on this that helps. I look at structure as the pathway.
[00:17:35] It is itself the pathway to fun. So for example, every game has rules.
[00:17:42] Yeah.
[00:17:42] And the games are fun in part because of the rules. Like, there is no home run in baseball, unless there is an out of bounds. Right. You have to have out of bounds for the home run to exist. And it's the rules that make it fun. So I've sort of opened the door. I'd like to see where you walk through.
[00:18:00] Let's go well, I'm gonna start with one of my favorite quotes about this topic, which is from Ellen Watts. And she says tennis is more fun when you play it on a court.
[00:18:10] Yeah.
[00:18:10] And that's really exactly what we're talking about, which is that structure and freedom go hand in hand. You know, I always think about like our dogs, we have three different puppies and like, some of them are more well trained and the ones that are well trained, they have tons of freedom and they get to play so much because they know how to do structure. So it's like the degree, you know, it's like a tree, like the roots reflect how tall and how strongly the tree's gonna grow.
[00:18:40] Or if you're building a building, you see what they're building for the foundation a really deep, solid found. It's going to create a really tall building. And so similarly, if you have structure, structure can create safety, but also the framework for success. Like, you know, what's a goal in soccer without the goal posts.
[00:19:02] Yeah, that's exactly it.
[00:19:05] Yeah. So it creates safety, which can contribute so much to fun, but it also creates the targets for how do we actually play this game and win. So I am a huge, huge, huge fan of structure. Huge because, oh my gosh. Yeah. My coach always teases me.
[00:19:21] She's like Jessica, no one would know how structured you are just by like observing you. But you're so structured. Cuz people might think, oh, you're just having fun. You're like laid back, but it's like the structure as the pairing.
[00:19:35] And it creates the freedom.
[00:19:37] It really creates the freedom and it's so important as a community leader as a facilitator of experiences, having clear structures, so people feel safe.
[00:19:47] So then, one of the superpowers of amazing leaders would be the vision to know the difference between a structure that creates freedom and structure that becomes overbearing.
[00:19:58] Yeah. And that's different for everyone. One person's overbearing structure is like safety for another person.
[00:20:07] That is true. Good point. You have to be thoughtful about the way that you want the community to grow and thrive and what that looks like.
[00:20:18] Yeah. And I'll say just a few more points on structure. This kind of sparked structure. It's not only important for facilitating, but it's so important for relationships, like it makes me think of the couples program that we just finished. And one whole module was all about love targets.
[00:20:37] And knowing what is the game of relating that you're playing with your partner so that you can actually know how to win rather than feeling like you have to be psychic or like the worst thing is when you're relating to someone and they have all these invisible laser beams that you see in spy movies, that's gonna like trigger some type of alarm.
[00:20:58] Like if you have all these invisible structures, that's so stressful. So actually making like really clear targets for whether it's a romantic partnership or whether it's people you work with or anyone you're in relationship like teaching people actually how to win with you and learning how to win with other people.
[00:21:15] That's a huge part of structure and that's something that I find kind of amazing that we go to school, but we don't have classes on relating, but I think if we did, one of the basics would be like, don't make someone guess or jump through hoops, but like learn how to communicate to someone. Here's how you can be successful with me in whatever context.
[00:21:36] Yeah, for sure. One of the first big fights that I had with my wife that was avoided was about that. And we're spending some time together and she's all pissed off at me and I'm like, you gotta tell me what I did so I can figure out what we're gonna do. And she's like, you know what you did .
[00:21:57] What if I don't?
[00:22:01] I was like, listen, it doesn't matter to me what the rules of this relationship are. And this is what I said. It was far more clumsy than what you just shared. Doesn't matter to me what the rules of the relationship are, but if we haven't agreed on them, they don't apply yet.
[00:22:19] That's a great quote. That is a great quote. It's so true.
[00:22:26] Yeah. So I'm with you. How do you support? Cause we're talking about winning in terms of like frameworks and structure and creating a winning scenario and our United States culture. Doesn't do a very good job of this thing.
[00:22:44] So how do you support creating structure that encourages win, win, win, win for me and a win for you and a win for the community all at the same time.
[00:22:58] Okay. I'm going to share an example of a super simple structure. That I feel this is just the first one that comes to mind. There's probably, you know, this is like we said, if we wanted to take two hours just diving into this, I bet we could.
[00:23:12] But the first thing that comes to mind it's really simple, but I was thinking of when I facilitate things online, one of the first things that I'll do is I'll say anytime you get paired in a breakout room, say to whoever you got paired with their name. So like, let's say we just popped into breakout rooms and say, Lucas, I'm so glad I got you as my partner.
[00:23:32] So that's the first thing that everyone does. Anytime you get paired with someone new. So that is one really simple example of a structure is, Hey, the structure is in the magic of human connection cultures in the magic of human connection community. You start with a total opening for connection rather than making the person jump through hoops and earn it. So that's just one little step that embodies that.
[00:23:56] This is funny. Because you might have even done this on purpose. I know you, you did this on purpose. You're using cheating, beneficially, intentionally, cause we have language that's built in, right. We think in language we exist in the world in language, in language like, I'm so glad I got you.
[00:24:18] That's basic language to us and, you're cheating.
[00:24:24] It's true.
[00:24:25] It's amazing. I love it.
[00:24:28] Thank you. I like the way you say it.
[00:24:30] How else do you cheat for our benefit?
[00:24:34] Oh my gosh. Well, you know what? I feel like it's funny. Cheating's a funny way of saying it, but it's basically utilizing all these built in different systems or mechanisms or You know, pathways that we already have for the greater good.
[00:24:48] So that tons of what we do in Magic of Human Connection is that it's saying, Hey, greet this person like, they're your best friend. Well, everyone has greeted people in that way. So you already have that pathway inside you, and then you apply that to someone new, but then all of a sudden you're like, but it actually feels like we're best friends.
[00:25:08] Like you're doing that activity. You're like, wait a minute. I know I'm kind of recalling, how have I done this with people in the past. Or how would I greet someone like a best friend, but the moment you do it, all those pathways are activated and then it feels a hundred percent genuine.
[00:25:24] And the other person greets you that way. I mean, so much of it is just giving people permission, slip to, Hey, what would be the end point of this relationship? You know, the end point would be that we feel connected.
[00:25:34] It went perfectly.
[00:25:35] If it went great. Yeah, it would be that we feel so connected. We're so happy to see each other. There's openness. There's love there's generosity. There's celebration. Okay. Well, let's take the end point and let's start there. And then if we start there, what else can be created if that's the foundation rather than the pinnacle.
[00:25:53] There's an intermediate question that you asked. Let's take the endpoint. Is it possible to start there? And that's the cheating. Which is fucking awesome. Pardon my language. It makes me laugh. It's you're like, yeah, it is possible. I can cheat. We've got this over here that we can use and this over here that we can use.
[00:26:13] Yeah. I mean, I think that's a big part of the framework is just saying like, you know, if we're to imagine the pinnacle, like let's just put that on the front end and and the amazing thing is that it works.
[00:26:27] The amazing thing is that it's such a construct that we think we need time or experience or all these other things. Like if you're to ask people what builds a deep connection with someone it's like, people might say.
[00:26:41] 20 years.
[00:26:43] 20 years. Or we went through this really deep experience or, you know, we've just spent so much time together.
[00:26:49] We're always around each other. And it's like, that's what you might think creates connection. And those things do, but they're actually not like the gatekeepers to connection. It's this inner switch. And the moment that you flip it, you can have an incredible connection with pretty much anyone.
[00:27:06] Especially if they're also open to it. It's like an inner choice. That's really what creates amazing connection. And that's, I think one of the big myths that people have is they think it's all these other things and it's actually just a split second decision.
[00:27:20] So I'm gonna tease you a little here.
[00:27:25] Tease me. I love it. Let's go.
[00:27:27] If you were told when you were in grade school, that you were gonna grow up to be the best professional cheater ever. What would you have said to that?
[00:27:36] I probably would've said, I thought I'd be a Marine biologist. I would've thought I'd be a Marine biologist, so I'd be like, I have no idea what that's even gonna look like.
[00:27:47] yeah. That, oh, I love it. Yeah. I mean, cuz it's not because we have to spend time. We have a rule in our head. And that's why I'm calling this cheating. Cause the rule exists. The rule is you can't be my best friend until you've been a friend for five years or whatever it is. And you're like, Oh, okay.
[00:28:07] Let's break that rule. What if we just break the rule? Let's just do it. Let's just break the rule. Well, that's cheating. Okay. Let's do it.
[00:28:17] Let's go. It's true. It's so true.
[00:28:20] I love it.
[00:28:20] Thank you.
[00:28:21] It's so cool. Wow. So inside these sort of incidental community that was sprung up around this idea that and I think anybody who's listening now, like gets it. Of course there's a community that's bringing up around this idea. How do those communities drive engagement?
[00:28:42] Say, drive engagement. Like say it a little different way for me.
[00:28:45] What are the things inside the community that keep people coming back day after day, participating day after day. Choosing to continue to participate.
[00:28:55] Gosh, I think, you know, the first thing that comes to mind is definitely just the sole nutrients piece. Like I think that having supportive, uplifting community is something that everyone needs. It's a, it's like an essential nutrient, like just how plants need sunshine.
[00:29:12] And you can have the most amazing, beautiful, strong plant. But if it's not an indoor plant and you put indoors, like it's just not gonna thrive. And so like, people are the same way, you know, there's different degrees of sunshine or community that people need, but it's something that everyone still needs.
[00:29:30] And so you know, having that, I think, it's a sole nutrient that a lot of people are really chronically nutrient deficient in. It's just having this loving, accepting, celebrating community around you. So I think that people feel when they're in that space, like, oh, this really is impacting me in a positive way.
[00:29:52] And what could my life be like if I didn't just have this as a one time experience, but if I actually had this around me, like, if this was my baseline, like how much more would I accomplish? How would I feel about myself? Like how would I feel when I wake up in the morning, if I actually was just surrounded by this loving, supportive community consistently.
[00:30:11] So I think people just feel that they need that. And for some reason, for whatever reason, the way our culture is designed, it's very rare for people to have that.
[00:30:23] Yeah. I love it. So they just show up. They just do.
[00:30:28] Yeah. And honestly all of the magic of human connection has grown through referrals. So people just share with their friends and send people and people show up and they're like, hi, I'm so, and so I have no idea what this is, but my cousin told me I have to come or whatever, so that happens a lot.
[00:30:48] That's awesome. And then when they show up, what do they do? Outside of the actual hosted events that you've done when they're showing up for each other, when they're showing up in a Facebook group or, wherever else they're showing up together, what do they do?
[00:31:04] Well hopefully they continue to do whatever they've done in magic of human connection, which is greet each other with so much love. And both empower, like one of the key pieces of this community is putting on the lens of looking at your social interactions with how can I uplift this person or how can I empower them?
[00:31:26] So hopefully they move through the world with that energy. Of really looking for how they can do that with other people.
[00:31:34] I love that. Yeah. Okay. I love this and we could continue all day. What question should I have asked that I haven't yet?
[00:31:42] Ooh. You know what I feel like we had a great jam and you know, there's so many different things we could go into, but is there anything you should have asked? Didn't not that comes to mind off the top. No.
[00:31:58] Awesome. And would you like to tell people where they can find you?
[00:32:01] Yes, absolutely. So if you're listening to this, I so hope that one day I get to give you a big hug and you get to experience this in your whole body, in your heart and your being what Lucas and I are talking about on this podcast, which is the incredible soul nutrients of community and love and connection that you get to experience in magic of human connection.
[00:32:22] So maybe I'll get to see you in person at an event. Maybe we'll get to connect in one of the amazing online experiences. But so I just so hope that we get to connect in some way, shape or form, and you can find me at Here's the train that goes by, hi, train. You can find at TheMagic.Love and you can join the email list there, and then you'll get invited to all the different events and online experiences and community experiences that we have the
[00:32:50] TheMagic.Love.
[00:32:52] Yes.
[00:32:52] I really like my website domain name. I'm a fan.
[00:32:58] That is awesome. I love it. Awesome. Thank you, Jessica.
[00:33:01] Yeah. Thank you, Lucas. This is so fun.
[00:33:05] Thank you for joining us this week on Elements of Community. Make sure to visit our website Or you can subscribe to the show on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, or via RSS.
[00:33:20] So you'll never miss a show. If you found value in this show, we'd appreciate a rating on iTunes or if you'd simply tell a friend about the show that would help us out too. If you like the show, you might wanna check out our EOC Inner Circle, where we deep dive with each guest on the inner workings of their community.
[00:33:40] We cover things like community model, profitability and engagement strategies. You can join the inner circle at circle. Be sure to tune in next week for our next episode.